1. ಪೋಷಾಕು

    ♪ pōṣāku
    1. any article of clothing; garment; clothes.
    2. costume - a) the dress, including accessories, typical of a certain country, period, profession, etc.; b) a set of clothes as worn in a play or at a masquerade.
  2. ಪಾಶಕ

    ♪ pāśaka
    1. = ಪಾಶ - 4 & 7.
    2. a game of chance played with dice.
  3. ಪೂಷಕ

    ♪ pūṣaka
    1. = ಪೂಷ - 1.
  4. ಪೋಷಕ

    ♪ pōṣaka
    1. protecting; shielding.
    2. fostering; bringing up.
    3. helping to grow.
  5. ಪೋಷಕ

    ♪ pōṣaka
    1. that which protects or shields.
    2. he who protects or shields; a guardian.
    3. a man who fosters, brings up another.
    4. a man who helps another, an organisation, society, etc. develop.
  6. ಪೋಷಕಿ

    ♪ pōṣaki
    1. he who protects, shields; a guardian.
    2. a woman who fosters, brings up another.
    3. a woman who helps another, an organisation, society, etc.develop.
  7. ಪೋಷಾಕ

    ♪ pōṣāka
    1. = ಪೋಷಾಕು.
  8. ಪಶಿಗೆ

    ♪ paśige
    1. a dividing or being divided; separation.
    2. a sharing or apportioning; distribution.
    3. a part or portion so separated from the whole.
    4. the quality of being wise; power of judging rightly and following the soundest course of action, based on knowledge, experience, understanding, etc.; good judgment; sagacity; wisdom.
    5. the quality of being generous; willingness to share.
    6. that which is proper, fit.
    7. the quality of being proper, fitting or suitable; propriety; fitness.
    8. tax paid in the form of goods (not money).