to put (food) in the mouth, chew if necessary, and swallow; to eat; to have a meal.
to take (liquid) into the mouth and swallow it.
to have the use or benefit of; have as one's lot or advantage; to enjoy.
ಉಣ್ಣದರ್ಉಣ್ಣದವರು() uṇṇadar (uṇṇadavaru) (pl.) those who live without food; gods; ಉಣ್ಣಕ್ಕಿಲ್ಲದವನುಬಣ್ಣಬಯಸಿದ uṇṇakkilladavanu baṇṇa bayasida (prov.) ask for luxuries when you do not have have even basic necessities like food; (like) starving woman wanting lipstick (instead of a loaf of bread); ಉಣ್ಣದರಬೀಯ uṇṇadara bīya (myth.) the food of the gods; ambrosia; ಉಣ್ಣದೂರು uṇṇadūru the city of gods; the heaven; ಉಂಡುಉಪವಾಸಿ, ಬಳಸಿಬ್ರಹ್ಮಚಾರಿ uṇḍu upavāsi, baḷasi brahmacāri (pov .) the innate nature of a person engaged in carnal pleasures, but not influenced by such pleasures; ಉಂಡುಹೋಗೋಮೂಳಎಂದರೆ, ಯಾರಮನೆಜೋಳಅಂದ uṇḍu hōgō mūḷa andare, yāra mane jōḷa anda (pov .) to find fault in something which is given as a charity (esp. in a difficult situation); ಉಂಡೂಹೋದ, ಕೊಂಡೂಹೋದ uṇḍū hōda, koṇḍū hōda (prov.) take all the advantages (often unbecomingly) from a host; ಉಂಡದ್ದೇಯುಗಾದಿ, ಮಿಂದದ್ದೇದೀವಳಿಗೆ uṇḍaddē yugādi, mindaddē dīvaḷige (prov.) (a consolation of the poor) festival day is the day one is cheerful and happy; ಉಂಡಮನೆಗಳವನ್ನುಎಣಿಸು uṇḍa mane gaḷavannu eṇisu (prov.) = ಉಂಡಮನೆಗೆಎರಡುಬಗೆ; ಉಂಡಮನೆಗೆಎರಡುಬಗೆ uṇḍa manege eraḍu bage (prov.) to be ungrateful to another from whom timely help was received; cast dirt into the well that given you water; to be an ingrate; ಉಂಡರೆಉಬ್ಬಸ, ಹಸಿದಿದ್ದರೆಸಂಕಟ uṇḍare ubbasa, hasididdare saŋkaṭa (prov.) one's bodily nature to be too delicate (in respect of health); ಉಂಡವನುಬಲ್ಲನೆಉಣದವನಬವಣೆಯ uṇḍavanu ballane uṇadavana bavaṇeya (prov.) he who is full, takes no care for him that is fasting; ಉಂಡವನಿಗೆಊಟಕ್ಕಿಕ್ಕ() ಬೇಡ, ಗುಂಡುಕಲ್ಲಿಗೆಎಣ್ಣೆಒತ್ತ() ಬೇಡ uṇḍavanige ūṭa(kkikka) bēḍa. guṇḍukallige eṇṇe (otta)bēḍa (prov.) the belly that is full may well fast; he sups ill, who eats up all at dinner; ಉಂಡೆಯೇನೋಗುಂಡಎಂದರೆ, ಮುಂಡಾಸುಮೂವತ್ತುಮೊಳಅಂದ uṇḍeyēnō guṇḍa endare, muṇḍāsu mūvattu moḷa anda (prov.) to talk or answer without any connection with a given matter; 'I ask for a fork and you bring me a rake'; ಉಂಬೋಕೆಉಡೋಕೆಅಣ್ಣಪ್ಪ, ಕೆಲಸಕ್ಕೆಮಾತ್ರದೊಣ್ಣಪ್ಪ umbōke uḍōke aṇṇappa, kelasakke mātra doṇṇappa (prov.) while one toils, another takes the benefits; asses carry the oats, and horses eat them; ಉಣ್ಣಕ್ಕೆಇಕ್ಕಿದಕೈಯನ್ನುಕಚ್ಚು uṇṇkke ikkida kaiyannu kaccu (prov.) to be or become, an ingrate; ಅದೇಉಂಡೇನುಕದತೆಗಿ adē uṇḍēnu kada tegi (prov.) I will compromise when inevitable'; ಮಾಡಿದ್ದುಉಣ್ಣೋಮಹಾರಾಯ māḍiddu uṇṇō mahārāya (prov.) to accept the consequences of one's actions, however unpleasant they are; to face the music.
♪ ūna
the quality or state of being deficient; absence of something essential; incompleteness; defect or defectiveness; deficiency.
crippledom; disablement in the body; maimedness.
♪ ūnaisu
to make short or shorter; to reduce the length, size, effect, influence, etc.; to shorten; to curtail.
ಉಣನೀಡು uṇanīḍu to offer food; to serve a meal; ಉಣಬಡಿಸು uṇabaḍisu = ಉಣನೀಡು; ಉಣಬರು uṇabaru to come for having a meal; ಉಣಲಿಕ್ಕಿಸು uṇalikkisu to cause to serve food; ಉಣಲಿಕ್ಕು uṇalikku = ಉಣನೀಡು; ಉಣಲಿಡು uṇaliḍu = ಉಣನೀಡು; ಉಣಲುಳ್ಳಂ uṇaluḷḷan he who has (sufficient) resouses for his living; ಉಣಲ್ಕೀ uṇalkī = ಉಣನೀಡು; ಉಣಲ್ಪಡೆ uṇalpaḍe to be lucky to get one's meal; ಉಣವೇಳ್ಕುಂ uṇavēḷkum (one) has to have his food 2. to accept the consequences of one's actions (whether pleasant or not); ಉಣಿಯೆಕೊಡು uṇiyekoḍu to let another have food or enjoy the benefits of one's action.