1. ಉಗುರಿಸು

    ♪ ugurisu
    1. to rub or scrape lightly, as with the fingernails, to relieve itching.
    2. to set right dishevelled hair by combing with the fingers.
  2. ಊಗುರಿಸು

    ♪ ūgurisu
    1. to rub or scrape lightly, as with the fingernails, to relieve itching or as if combing the hair.
  3. ಉಗ್ಗಾರ

    ♪ uggāra
    1. the act or process of ejecting the contents of the stomach through the mouth; vomit.
  4. ಊಕಾರ

    ♪ ūkāra
    1. the letter ' '.
  5. ಉಗ್ರ

    ♪ ugra
    1. violent or impetuous; sudden and forceful.
    2. occurring or existing in a high degree; very strong.
    3. causing fear or dread; formidable; terrific.
    4. very strict or harsh; rigorous.
    5. cruel; savage.
    6. violently angry; wrathful.
  6. ಉಗ್ರ

    ♪ ugra
    1. the quality of being violent or impetuous.
    2. the quality of being dreadful.
    3. the quality of being harsh, rigorous; strictness.
    4. want of compassion, pity; cruelty.
    5. hot temperament; violent anger; wrath.
    6. the quality of being intense i.e. extreme degree of anything; intensity.
    7. a bad tempered man.
    8. he who resorts to extreme violence to achieve his goal; an extremist.
    9. a cruel or savage man.
    10. Śiva.
    11. name of one of the hells.
    12. a descendant of a man of military caste and a woman of Śudra caste.
    13. the mixed caste of such a person.
    14. the sentiment of wrath (in dance).
  7. ಉಕಾರ

    ♪ ukāra
    1. the letter ' '.
    2. the second of the three syllables that make the sacred compound-syllable ' ಓಂ '.
  8. ಉಕ್ಕೇರು

    ♪ ukkēru
    1. a boiling or bubbling up (as food, milk being cooked); effervescence.
    2. the act of swelling or surging.
    3. the state of being filled with intense enthusiasm, eagerness.
    4. an increasing manifold; a becoming plentiful.
  9. ಉಗರಿಸು

    ♪ ugarisu
    1. to breathe with effort (as in choking or from a disease); to gasp.
  10. ಉಗುರ್

    ♪ ugur
  11. ಉಗುರು

    ♪ uguru
    1. the nail - a) the thin, horny sheath growing out at the ends of the fingers and toes of people, monkeys, etc. b) a similar growth on the toes of a bird or some other animals; claw;
    2. ಉಗುರುಕಚ್ಚು urguru kaccu (fig.) to be struck with wonder, surprise; to be wonderstruck; to bite one's nails.
    3. (fig.) to have the feeling of regret for what one has just done or said;
    4. ಉಗುರಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಹೋಗುವುದಕ್ಕೆ ಕೊಡಲಿ ತೆಗೆದುಕೊ ugurinalli hōguvudakke koḍali tegeduko (prov.) to spend more resources or effort than required to do a job (esp. a petty one); to try to open the door with an axe; ಉಗುರಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಗೀರಿದರೆ ಸಾಗರವಾಯಿತು ugurinalli gīridare sāgaravāyitu (prov.) a small unintended or careless act brought disaster; ಉಗುರಿಲ್ಲದ ಬೆರಳು ugurillada beraḷu (fig.) that which lacks its essential, hence looks unattractive or ugly.
  12. ಉಗ್ಗಾರು

    ♪ uggāru
  13. ಉಗ್ರಿ

    ♪ ugri
    1. the aconite extracted from the herbaceous plant Aconitum ferox, used as a depressant.
    2. the plant itself.
    3. the plant Artemisia Sternutatoria (?).
    4. a cruel woman.
    5. a particular class of women.
    6. a kind of female demon.
  14. ಉಗುರ್

    ♪ ugur
    1. (masc.) one whose profession is to pluck the beetle leaves in the garden.
  15. ಉಕ್ಕರಿಸು

    ♪ ukkarisu
    1. to burn superficially or slightly; to cook in a pan (without using oil); to singe.
    2. to cause to boil; to cook, process or separate in boiling water or other liquid.
  16. ಉಕ್ಕರಿಸು

    ♪ ukkarisu
    1. (dial.) to utter a loud, rumbling sound.
  17. ಉಕ್ಕುರಿ

    ♪ ukkuri
    1. (dial.) a spade-like instrument to draw or move soil.
  18. ಉಕ್ಕೇರು

    ♪ ukkēru
    1. a) to over-flow (as a river in flood); to inundate; to deluge; b) (surface of oceans, seas, etc.) to rise due to attraction of the moon or sun.
    2. to swell (as a liquid, food) as from excess heating.
    3. to be excited by enthusiasm.
  19. ಉಕಾರ ಪ್ರಣಮ

    ♪ ukāra praṇama
    1. (vīr.) the īśvara principle; (that causes or removes illusion - ತಿರೋಧಾನಕೃತ್ಯ).
  20. ಉಕ್ಕಿಱಿ

    ♪ ukkiṛi
    1. to overflow; to go beyond the limits.
    2. to be plentiful; to be or become excessive.