1. ಕರ್ತೃ

    ♪ kartř
    1. a person who does, performs or carries out a work; a doer.
    2. a master; a owner; a ruler.
    3. the man who originates, creates or initiates something.
    4. (gram.) the noun or other substantive that is one of the two immediate constituents of a sentence and about which something is said in the predicate and with which the verb agrees; a subject.
  2. ಗೃಧ್ರ

    ♪ gřdhra
    1. any of various accipitrine birds with long, pointed wings and, usu., a forked tail which prey esp. on insects, reptiles, and small mammals; a kite.
  3. ಕರ್ತಾರ

    ♪ kartāra
    1. the creator of the universe; Brahma.
    2. one who does, performs or works; a doer.
    3. a man who is capable of applying knowledge to useful ends.
    4. a master; a ruler.
  4. ಗರಧರ

    ♪ garadhara
    1. (myth.) Śiva, who holds in his throat a deadly poison which he drank.
  5. ಕೃದರ

    ♪ křdara
    1. a room or building for storing threshed grain; a granary.
    2. the front part from the waist to the knees of a person in a sitting position; the lap.
    3. a building where one normally lives; a house.
  6. ಕಿರುತೊರೆ

    ♪ kirutore
    1. a small stream.
    2. Tungabhadre, one of the important rivers of Karnāṭaka.
  7. ಕಿರುದಾರಿ

    ♪ kirudāri
    1. a narrow path.
  8. ಕಿರುದೆರೆ

    ♪ kirudere
    1. = ಕಿರುತೆರೆ.
  9. ಕ್ರೇತೃ

    ♪ krētř
    1. a person who acquires or aims to acquire possessions; a purchaser; a buyer.
  10. ಗಿರಿಧರ

    ♪ giri dhara
    1. the holder of a mountain as Viṣṇu in his second incarnation as a tortoise or in his eigth incarnation as Křṣṇa.
  11. ಗುರುತರ

    ♪ gurutara
    1. much higher in some quality or degree; much above the ordinary or average.
    2. having or commanding respect or reverence.
  12. ಕರ್ದರಿ

    ♪ kardari
    1. a deep and narrow valley having little or no light.
  13. ಕರೇತರ

    ♪ karētara
    1. a physical struggle; a battle; a fight.
  14. ಕರ್ತರಿ

    ♪ kartari
    1. an instrument for cutting fabric, paper, hair, etc., having two pivoted blades with finger and thumb holes in the handles, operating by closing on the material to be cut; a pair of scissors.
    2. a small sword-like weapon; a dagger.
    3. the back feathered end of an arrow.
  15. ಕಾರೋತ್ತರ

    ♪ kārōttara
    1. the yeast foam that appears on the surface of malt liquors as they ferment; barm.
  16. ಕುರಿದರಿ

    ♪ kuridari
    1. to kill a sheep.
    2. (fig.) to kill or destroy in a violent way; to slaughter.
  17. ಕುರಿದರಿ

    ♪ kuridari
    1. the act of killing violently; a slaughtering.
  18. ಕಿರಿದಾರಿ

    ♪ kiridāri
    1. a path that is not wide; a narrow way.
  19. ಕಿರುತೆರೆ

    ♪ kirutere
    1. a small wave.
    2. a small screen, curtain.
    3. a television receiving apparatus that converts the signals into electron beams that are projected against the fluorescent screen of the kinescope or picture tube, reproducing the original image; a television.
  20. ಕಿಱುದೆರೆ

    ♪ kiṛudere
    1. = ಕಿಱುತೆರೆ.