1. ಸಾವು

    ♪ sāvu
    1. the act of dying; the end of life; the total and permanent cessation of all the vital functions of an organism; death.
    2. the dead body of a person.
  2. ಸವ

    ♪ sava
    1. making a pair (joining with another); matching.
  3. ಸವ

    ♪ sava
    1. the act or an instance of extracting the juice from the creeper Sarcostemma acidum (sōma plant).
    2. an offering of this to a deity (in a religious sacrifice).
    3. the sweetish liquid in flowers, used by bees for making of honey; nectar.
  4. ಸವ್ವಾ

    ♪ savvā
    1. amounting to or measuring one and a quarter.
  5. ಸವ

    ♪ sava
    1. (correctly, ಶವ) a dead body of a person; a corpse.
  6. ಸವ

    ♪ sava
    1. the state or quality of being equal (to another); equality.
    2. that which is equal or similar to (another); an equal.
  7. ಸ್ವ

    ♪ sva
    1. of or belonging to oneself.
    2. existing as such at birth; congenital.
  8. ಸ್ವ

    ♪ sva
    1. a man belonging to one's family; a relative; a kinsman.
    2. the entity in each being regarded as immortal or spiritual part; the soul.
  9. ಸವ

    ♪ sava
    1. physical or mental exhaustion; weariness; fatigue.
    2. a training in using weapons.
  10. ಸವಾ

    ♪ savā
    1. amounting to or measuring one and a quarter.
  11. ಸಿವ

    ♪ siva
    1. Śiva, one of the Hindu Trinty.
  12. ಶವ

    ♪ śava
    1. a dead body, esp. of a person; a corpse.
    2. water.
    3. ಶವದ ಪೆಟ್ಟಿಗೆ śavada peṭṭige = ಶವಸಂಪುಟ.
  13. ಸಿವೆ

    ♪ sive
    1. (correctly, ಶಿವೆ) 1. Pārvati, personified energy of the universe and wife of Śiva.
    2. tree Prosopis cineraria ( = P. spicigera) of Mimosaceae family.
  14. ಸಾವೆ

    ♪ sāve
    1. the grass Echinochloa frumentacea ( = Panicum frumentaceum) of Poacea family.
    2. its grain.
    3. another grass Panicum miliare of the same family.
  15. ಸಾವಿ

    ♪ sāvi
    1. a master; a lord; an employer.
    2. a king; a ruler.
    3. a man appointed to a position or office of authority in government, business, institution, etc.; an officer.
    4. a man as he is related to his wife; a husband.
    5. the Supreme Being.
    6. a suffix added to the names of men as a mark of respect.
    7. a respectful mode of addressing eleders, gods, officers, etc.
  16. ಸಾವೆ

    ♪ sāve
    1. the large, tropical plant Colocasia esculenta ( = C. antiquorum, = Arum colocasia) of Araceae family, with shield-shaped leaves; taro.
  17. ಸವಿ

    ♪ savi
    1. any of the five senses that stimulate or perceived by, the taste buds in the tongue; a taste.
    2. the quality of being sweet; sweetness.
    3. the quality of a thing that is perceived through the sense of taste; flavour.
    4. the distinguishing flavor of a substance; taste.
    5. anything that is tasty, delicious, dainty, lovely, graceful, etc.
    6. beauty; loveliness; charm.
    7. a slight experience of something (as another's anger, love, etc.).
    8. pleasure, enjoyment, etc. derived from literature, music, dance and other arts.
    9. essence; essential being; spirit; quintessence.
    10. milk.
    11. a strong desire; an irrepressible longing.
    12. joy; pleasure; delight.
    13. a beloved man.
    14. ಸವಿಹತ್ತು savi hattu to become tasty, delicious; 2. to become attractive, appealing or acceptable to the mind.
  18. ಸವಿ

    ♪ savi
    1. to test the flavour or quality of something by taking a small portion of it into the mouth; to taste.
    2. to eat or drink (something that is delicious).
    3. (fig.) to have the experience of.
    4. to receive favourably; to accept.
    5. to experience with joy; take pleasure in; to enjoy.
  19. ಸವೆ

    ♪ save
    1. to make; to build; to construct.
    2. to prepare; to make ready.
    3. to form an image by chiseling a stone; to carve; to sculpture.
    4. to be constructed, built.
    5. to write, compose (a literary work).
    6. to prepare food by cooking; to cook.
    7. to happen; to take place.
  20. ಸವೆ

    ♪ save
    1. to be used up or expend completely; to be exhausted.
    2. to be destroyed.
    3. to be worn out (as from continuous or long usage).
    4. to become weak; to lose strength.
    5. (time) to pass; to elapse.
    6. to become thin; to lose much flesh or weight.
    7. to be reduced (in size, intensity, etc.).
    8. to be utilised, used.
    9. to feel distresed in the mind; to worry.
    10. to destroy completely; to erase; to eradicate.