1. ನಿಘಂಟು

    ♪ nighaṇṭu
    1. a book in which words of a language are arranged in a particular order, with their meanings, etymologies, synonyms, etc. expressed in either the same or another language; a lexicon; a dictionary.
    2. the glossary of Vedic terms compiled by Yāska.
    3. that which is certain or the quality or state of being so.
  2. ನಿಗಂಟು

    ♪ nigaṇṭu
    1. (correctly ನಿಘಂಟು) a book of alphabetically listed words in a language having their meanings and other linguistic information; a dictionary; a lexicon.
  3. ನಿಗಂಠ

    ♪ nigaṇṭha
    1. a male religious monk of Jainism who is completely unclothed.
  4. ನಿಗಂಠಿ

    ♪ nigaṇṭhi
    1. a religious nun belonging to the digambara clan of Jainas.