1. ಕಳಾಯ

    ♪ kaḷāya
    1. the annual, tendril-climbing plant Pisum arvense of Papilionaceae family.
    2. its pea; garden pea.
  2. ಕಳಿಯ

    ♪ kaḷiya
    1. (dial.) that is essential or important; absolutely necessary; indispensable.
  3. ಕಾಳಿಯ

    ♪ kāḷiya
    1. a mythological snake subdued by Křṣṇa.
  4. ಕಾಳೇಯ

    ♪ kāḷēya
    1. the perennial plant Crocus sativus of Iridaceae family with funnel-shaped, purplish flowers having orange stigmas; saffron plant.
    2. the dried, aromatic stigmas of this plant, used in flavouring and colouring foods; saffron.
    3. a red pigment , applied by women on their forehead, as a sign of auspiciousness; vermilion.
    4. that which is related to Kaliyuga, fourth of the four mythological ages, which is current now, having a duration of 4,32,000 years.
  5. ಕುಳಾಯ

    ♪ kuḷāya
    1. the structure made or the place chosen by birds for sheltering themselves and for laying their eggs.
  6. ಕುಳಿಯ

    ♪ kuḷiya
    1. a slow-witted, dull man; a stupid.
  7. ಕೆಳೆಯ

    ♪ keḷeya
    1. = ಕೆಳೆ2 - 2; 2) a man in love or having sexual relation with a woman other than the one he is married to.
  8. ಕೊಳಾಯಿ

    ♪ kolāyi
  9. ಕೌಳೇಯ

    ♪ kauḷēya
    1. coming from, belonging to a noble family.
    2. (gen.) of or belonging to a family, lineage, etc.
  10. ಕೌಳೇಯ

    ♪ kauḷēya
    1. any dog, esp. a member of one of the hunting breeds, with drooping ears, a deep-throated bark, and a keen sense of smell; a hound.
  11. ಗಳಿಯ

    ♪ gaḷiya
  12. ಗಿಳಿಯ

    ♪ giḷiya
    1. (often used sarc. or derog.) the principal attendant of the bridegroom at a wedding; a best-man.
  13. ಗುಳೆಯ

    ♪ guḷeya
    1. a hard outer covering, as of a mollusc, insect, etc.; a shell.
  14. ಗೂಳಯ

    ♪ gūḷaya
  15. ಗೂಳಿಯ

    ♪ gūḷiya
  16. ಗೂಳೆಯ

    ♪ gūḷeya
    1. the act of leaving the region, town, village where one normally lives to settle in another, permanently or for a relatively longer period (esp. necessitated by famine, disaster, etc. or by threat or coercion); immigration.
    2. a collection of several persons, things, animals, etc. together at a place of time; a crowd, multitude.
  17. ಗೆಳೆಯ

    ♪ geḷeya
    1. a man with whom one enjoys mutual affection and regard; a man whom one knows well and is fond of; an intimate associate; close acquaintance (this term is exclusive of sexual and family bonds).
  18. ಘಳಿಯ

    ♪ ghaḷiya
    1. a rule ordinance or law by which conduct, etc. is regulated;
  19. ಘಳೆಯ

    ♪ ghaḷeya