1. ಕರ್ಮ

    ♪ karma
    1. the doing of something; state of being in motion or of working; an action; a work; a deed.
    2. a ceremonial or formal, solemn act, observance or procedure in accordance with prescribed rule or custom, as in religious use a religious rite.
    3. a deed or action that is supposed to have effect in one's future birth or births.
    4. in Dvaita phil. one of the ten basic elements; a natural or active property (as support of the earth).
    5. (gram.). a noun or other substantive that directly or indirectly receives the action of a verb; the object of an action.
    6. (astrol.) the tenth house in the zodiac diagram; the tenth lunar mansion.
    7. a symbol for the number six, 6.
  2. ಕ್ರಮ

    ♪ krama
    1. the act or an instance of moving; movement; a move.
    2. the act of a person or thing that walks; walking.
    3. the end part of the leg, on which a person or animal stands or moves; the foot.
    4. the sequence or arrangement of things or events; a series; succession; an order.
    5. any property that is inherited from ancestors, in the natural course.
    6. a social convention carried on by tradition and enforced by social disapproval of any violation; a custom.
    7. a fixed or definite system.
    8. a way or method in which something is to be done or happens; a manner; a method.
    9. a legal proceeding by which one seeks to have a wrong put right.
    10. a particular manner of reciting Vedic texts, leaving at each time one word and taking up another.
    11. (rhet.) a figure of speech, in which each element of a group refers respectively to corresponding elements of a previous group.
    12. a beginning; commencement.
    13. (pros.) a compound of consonants coming in the beginning of each line of a verse.
    14. the position assumed by an animal before making a jump on its prey.
    15. ಕ್ರಮ ಕೈಗೊಳ್ಳು krama kaigoḷḷu to take action to accomplish (something); 2. to take a legal proceeding by which wrong can be put right; ಕ್ರಮ ಜರುಗಿಸು krama jarugisu = ಕ್ರಮ ಕೈಗೊಳ್ಳು.
  3. ಗರಮ್

    ♪ garam
    1. hot - a) having a high temperature, esp. one that is higher than that of the human body; b) characterised by a relatively or abnormally high temperature; very warm.
    2. angry - a) feeling, showing or resulting from anger; b) wild and stormy, as if angry.
  4. ಘರ್ಮ

    ♪ gharma
    1. having a high temperature; characterised by a relatively or abnormally high temperature; very warm; hot.
  5. ಗರಮ್

    ♪ garam
    1. much hotness; great warmth; heat.
    2. a feeling of displeasure resulting from injury, mistreatment, opposition, etc.; anger.
  6. ಕಾರ್ಮ

    ♪ kārma
    1. involving or calling for much hard work; laborious.
    2. industrious; hard-working.
  7. ಗರಮ

    ♪ garama
    1. = ಗರಮ್2.
  8. ಗರಮ

    ♪ garama
    1. = ಗರಮ್1.
  9. ಗ್ರಾಮ

    ♪ grāma
    1. a more or less concentrated group of houses and private and public buildings, larger than a village but smaller than a city; a town.
    2. a number of things gathered or placed closely together, forming a recognisable unit; a group.
    3. a complete musical scale having all the seven notes, i.e. any of the major scales; a gamut.
  10. ಕರಮ

    ♪ karama
    1. a way a thing is or must be done or happens or must happen; a manner.
  11. ಕರಮ

    ♪ karama
    1. a kind of dance in country side, performed during rainy season.
  12. ಕಾರ್ಮ

    ♪ kārma
    1. a dutiful worker who works without expecting the fruit for his work.
  13. ಘರ್ಮ

    ♪ gharma
    1. the quality of being hot; hotness; heat.
    2. a state of increased body temperature caused by exercise, ovulation, infections, etc.; fever; pyrexia.
    3. the warmest season of the year; summer season.
    4. the clear, alkaline, salty liquid given forth in drops through the pores of the skin; perspiration; sweat.
  14. ಕೂರ್ಮಿ

    ♪ kūrmi
    1. a female tortoise of Testudines order.
  15. ಕೂರ್ಮ

    ♪ kūrma
    1. any of a large and widely distributed terrestrial or aquatic reptiles of Testudines order, having a toothless beak and a soft body encased in a tough shell into which the head, tail, and four legs may be withdrawn; a turtle; a tortoise.
    2. (myth.) the Cosmic Turtle or Tortoise, a symbol of the universe.
    3. the second of the ten main incarnations of Viṣṇu.
    4. one of the ten vital airs present in the body.
    5. (myth.) one of the hells.
    6. (dance.) a standing posture with the outer part of the leg, heel and knee of the right side are placed on the ground and the left foot is kept in the normal position.
  16. ಕರ್ಮಿ

    ♪ karmi
    1. a performer, doer or worker.
    2. a person whose actions result in either good or bad consequences.
    3. a wicked person; an evil doer; a sinner.
  17. ಕೂರುಮೆ

    ♪ kūrume
    1. love - a) strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties; b) attraction based on sexual desire; c) affection based on admiration, benevolence or common interests (as love for one's old schoolmates).
    2. the relationship, feelings etc. between friends.
  18. ಕೂರುಮ

    ♪ kūruma
    1. any of a large and widely distributed terrestrial or aquatic reptiles of Testudines order, having a toothless beak and a soft body encased in a tough shell into which, in most species, the head, tail, and four legs may be withdrawn; a turtle; a tortoise.
    2. (myth.) the Cosmic Turtle or Tortoise, a symbol of the universe.
    3. the second of the ten main incarnations of Viṣṇu.
  19. ಕರುಮ್ಮ

    ♪ karumma
    1. = ಕರುಮ.
  20. ಕಿರಿಮೆ

    ♪ kirime
    1. the state or quality of being young, junior or low in rank, status, etc.
    2. the quality of being contemptible, mean or ignoble; meanness; baseness.