1. ಹ್ಯಾವ

    ♪ hyāva
    1. a shrinking from disgust; intense dislike or hatred; loathing; abhorrence.
    2. keen mental suffering; distress; grief.
    3. hatred; enmity; antagonism.
    4. intense anger; wrath; ire.
    5. the quality of being shy, bashful; shyness; bashfulness.
    6. proper respect for oneself and one's worth as a person; self-respect.
    7. the act of competing; rivalry; competition.
    8. a personally offensive act or word; deliberate act or display of disrespect; intentional slight; insult; affront.
    9. any departure from health; illness in general; disease.
    10. an inviting to come somewhere or do something.
    11. a stupid, slow-witted person; a blockhead; a dolt.
    12. a banner; a flag.