1. ಹಮಾ

    ♪ hamā
    1. the whole extent or quantity of; all; total; enire.
  2. ಹಮ್ಮು

    ♪ hammu
    1. to make a rope or ropes by intertwisting strands of fibre, leather sraps, etc.
    2. to tie with a rope.
    3. to arrange organise.
    4. to happen; to take place; to occur.
    5. to take away another's belongings using force; to rob.
    6. to spread out (as fragrance, light, etc.).
  3. ಹಮ್ಮು

    ♪ hammu
    1. the concept of self; ego; the individual as self-aware.
    2. constant, excessive reference to oneself in speaking or writing; an exaggerated opinion of oneself, one's merits, etc.; conceit; egotism.
    3. (psych.) that part of the psyche which is regarded as the reservoir of the instinctual drives and the source of psychic energy, which is dominated by the pleasure principle and irrational wishing, and its impulses are controlled through the development of the ego and superego; id.
  4. ಹಿಮ

    ♪ hima
    1. cold; freezing.
    2. covered with or as with frost; hoary, glistening, etc.; frosty.
  5. ಹಿಮ

    ♪ hima
    1. the coldest season of the year (from mid-November to mid-February); winter.
    2. the moon.
    3. the Himalayan mountains.
    4. the sandal wood tree (Santalum album).
    5. a volatile, crystalline ketone, with a strong characteristic odour, derived from the wood of the camphor tree; camphor.
    6. a large mass of water vapour condensed to fine particles, at or just above the earth's surface, that obscures the long vision; fog.
    7. frozen water; crystalline, brittle form of water made solid by cold; ice.
    8. absence of warmth; coldness.
    9. fresh butter.
    10. a pearl.
    11. the dark part of the day; a night.
    12. a soft, silver-white, crystalline, metallic chemical element, malleable at ordinary temperatures, capable of a high polish, and used as an alloy in tin foils, solders, utensils, type metals, super-conducting magnets, etc. and in making tin plate (symbol Sn.); tin.
    13. Śiva.
    14. a king; a ruler.
    15. ambrosia, the food of gods.
    16. water.
    17. the colour of pure snow; white colour.
    18. the saffron colour.
    19. good reputation; renown; fame.
    20. the quality of being prominent or imporant.
  6. ಹೆಮ್ಮ

    ♪ hemma
    1. an old, elderly or respectable, honourable man.
    2. the condition of being available abundantly.
  7. ಹೆಮ್ಮೆ

    ♪ hemme
    1. the quality that makes one seem superior or worthy of special recognition; distinction; superiority.
    2. a proper pride about oneself or whatever that belongs to oneself; sense of one's own dignity or worth; self-respect; pride.
    3. an unduly high opinion of oneself; exaggerated self-esteem; conceit.
    4. haughty behavior resulting from this; arrogance.
    5. great joy; delight.
  8. ಹೆಮ್ಮೈ

    ♪ hemmai
    1. a body that is very huge.
    2. an exceptionally good life.
  9. ಹೇಮ

    ♪ hēma
    1. gold.
    2. a particular weight, equal to 1.2 grm. (used in weighment of gold).
    3. a brown or dark horse.
    4. the small thorny plant Datura stramonium of Solanaceae family.
    5. the large-sized, evergreen tree Mesua ferrea of Guttiferae family.
    6. its flower.
    7. the coldest season of the year; winter.
    8. the glassy, brittle, crystalline form of water made solid by cold; ice.
    9. water.
    10. the planet Mercury.
  10. ಹೇಮ

    ♪ hēma
    1. a shrinking from disgust; intense dislike or hatred; loathing; abhorrence.
  11. ಹೈಮ

    ♪ haima
    1. made of, containing gold; golden.
    2. of the colour of gold; golden yellow.
    3. of a temperature much lower than that of the human body; chilly; frigid.
    4. of or happening in, caused by winter.
  12. ಹೈಮ

    ♪ haima
    1. gold.
    2. an article made of gold.
    3. the state of being frigid, very cold.
    4. a large mass of water vapor condensed to fine particles, at or just above the earth's surface; thick, obscuring mist.
  13. ಹೊಮ್ಮಿ

    ♪ hommi
    1. a part of a chariot.
  14. ಹೊಮ್ಮು

    ♪ hommu
    1. to come forth; to be emitted from within; to come or go out.
    2. to flow (as a liquid).
    3. to cover over a wide area by spreading oneself.
    4. to come into sight; to become visible.
    5. to become more in quantity, size, extent, intensity, etc.
    6. to become enthusiastic, overjoyus, followed by quick and lively motions and actions.
    7. to move suddenly or rapidly (upward or forward); to spring up; to cause to happen.
  15. ಹೊಮ್ಮು

    ♪ hommu
    1. abundance; plenty; plentitude.
    2. great vigour or liveliness; high spirits; gusto.
    3. pride; vanity; egotism; haughtiness; arrogance.
    4. usual practice observed in any trade, vocation, etc.
  16. ಹೋಮ

    ♪ hōma
    1. = ಹೋತ್ರ - 1.
    2. the act of offering oblations to a deity in a sacrifice.
    3. a living being that is sacrificed to propitiate a deity.
  17. ಹೋಮೆ

    ♪ hōme
    1. the plant Tremaorientalis ( = Celtis orientalis) of Ulmaceae family.