1. ಹದವರಿ

    ♪ hadavari
    1. to get or perceive the right meaning of; to know or grasp what is actually meant by.
    2. to know the right course of action.
    3. to discern the rightness from wrongness, propriety from impropriety, appropriateness from inappropriateness, right time from inopportune time, etc.
  2. ಹಿತವಾರೆ

    ♪ hita vāre
    1. cordial relation; warm, friendly feeling.
  3. ಹೆದ್ವಾರ

    ♪ hedvāra
    1. the main entrance of a temple, big building, palace, fortified place, etc.
  4. ಹದವಱಿ

    ♪ hadavaṛi
    1. = ಹದವರಿ.