any of several large, stately aquatic birds of the subfamily Anserinae, having a long, graceful, slender neck and pure-white plumage and known as graceful swimmers and strong fliers; a swan.
the Sureme Being.
the Sun-God.
the Moon-God.
Manmatha, the Love-God.
a very wise man having a perfect vision of truth, and who lives a saintly life; a sage.
an excellent man.
a srong, powerful man.
that which is superior; a superior thing.
any of several lotus plants.
its flower.
that which is pure or holy.
a ray of light.
the organ of sight; the ear.
a horse.
a male buffalo.
name of one of the Upanishads.
one of the five classifications of men, based on their height; a class of men of eight feet high, according to Varāhamihira.
name of a mountain.