1. ಹಂಸಪಾದ

    ♪ hamsa pāda
    1. the foot of a swan.
    2. a mark (^) used to denote insertion of a word or letter in writing or correcting proof; caret.
  2. ಹಂಸಪದ

    ♪ hamsa pada
    1. = ಹಂಸಪಾದ - 1.
    2. (pros.) a metrical verse having four lines each having eight groups of three syllables each followed by one long syllable (uuu, uuu, uuu, uuu, uu-, -uu, -uu, -uu, -).
  3. ಹಂಸಪದಿ

    ♪ hamsa padi
    1. = ಹಂಸಪಾದಿ.
  4. ಹಂಸಪಾದಿ

    ♪ hamsa pādi
    1. the potherb Amaranthus caudatus ( = A. campestris) of Amaranthaceae family.
    2. the vine Cissus pedata of Vitaceae family; Iguana's foot vine.
    3. the plant Coldenia procumbens of Boraginaceae family.