1. ಹಂಪಲು

    ♪ hampalu
    1. (used in pl.) ripe fruits.
  2. ಹೆಂಪಳಿ

    ♪ hempaḷi
    1. to become lustreless; to lose gloss, brightness, brilliance.
    2. (gloss, brightness, brilliance, lustre) to be lost.
  3. ಹೊಂಪುಳಿ

    ♪ hompuḷi
    1. = ಹೊಂಪು - 1 & 2.
    2. the space or degree to which a thing extends; length, area, volume or scope; extent.
    3. great joy; delight.
    4. a bristling of the hair on the skin from great joy; horripilation.