a specific part of the earth's surface.
the solid part of the earth's surface not covered by water.
a country, region, etc.
a space, area or spot, set apart or used for a particular purpose; a place.
a raised ground; a mound.
a place of origin or where a person lives.
something dealt with in discussion, study; a subject.
a division of a book; a chapter.
a portable shelter raised with skins, canvas, plastic or the like, supported by one or more poles or a frame and often secured by ropes fastened to pegs in the ground; a tent.
any of the (eighteen) traditional descriptions that constitute an essential part of an epic.
(vīr.) any of the six important stages in the progress of a devotee's attainment of perfect identity with the Supreme Being.
the Supreme Being.
a district constituted by one hundred villages or towns.
(arch.) a unit of measure of land.
(match.) a symbol for the number eighteen.