(correctly, ಸಂವರಿಸು) 1. to gather; to collect; to accumulate.
to come together in a large number; to crowd.
to make ready; to make something suitable (for specific purpose).
to become ready; to be ready for; to be equipped suitably for.
to guard (something) against danger, harm; to watch over and protect.
to guard oneself against.
to alleviate or lessen the grief, sorrow or disappointment of; to give solace or comfort.
to make something free from defects, faults; to remove deficiencies, shortcomings.
to adjust oneself to a condition, situation, place, etc.
to keep, place (something on, above, at or in such and such a manner, etc.).
to arrange in proper or tidy manner.
to be excited from joy.
to plan a strategy or strategies; to strategise.
to bring about or succeed in accomplishing, despite difficulty or hardship; to manage.
to recover one's balance, consciousness, etc.
to watch over; to be careful in handling.