the plant Ephedra distachya ( = E. vulgaris) of Ephedraceae family.
the vine Rubia cordifolia ( =R.munjista) of Rubiaceae family; munjeet.
the creeper Sarcostemma acidum ( = S. brevistigma) of Asclepiadaceae family; sour creeper.
the juice extracted from the stalks of this plant used in religious sacrifices for offering it to the deities and also drunk.
another creeper Sarcostemma interedium of Asclepiadaceae family.
ambrosia, the food of gods.
the moon.
a volatile, crystalline ketone, with a strong characteristic odour, derived from the camphor tree; camphor.
air; wind.
a multitude of sages.
Yama, the God of Righteousness.
a ray of light.
a monkey.
Kubēra, the regent of Wealth.
name of one of the eight Vasus, a semi divinities.
Monday, the second day of the week.
rice gruel.
name of a particular astral tube, in the body, carrying prāṇa (nerve current).
name of one of Śaiva clans.
(math.) a symbol for the the number one.
(pros.) a metrical food consisting of three syllables, the first being long and the others short ones (-uu).