1. ಸುದೀಪ್ತಿ

    ♪ sudīpti
    1. great spleandour.
  2. ಸತ್ಪದ

    ♪ satpada
    1. an excellent, most superior status, position.
    2. the sky.
  3. ಸತ್ಪಥ

    ♪ satpatha
    1. a good or right way.
    2. a correct or virtuous conduct.
    3. the sky.
  4. ಶತಪಥ

    ♪ śata patha
    1. a walking a short distance to and fro several times.
    2. ಶತಪಥ ಹಾಕು śatapatha hāku to walk a short distance to and fro reteadedly several times.
  5. ಶತಪದ

    ♪ śata pada
    1. = ಶತಪಥ2.
  6. ಸ್ಥಾಪಿತ

    ♪ sthāpita
    1. that which is established or installed.
  7. ಶತಪಥ

    ♪ śata patha
    1. the well known brāhmaṇa (Samskřta text, containing one hundred chapters) attached to Vājasanēyi samhita (Śukla yajurvēda).
  8. ಸ್ತೂಪಿತ

    ♪ stūpita
    1. piled up; heaped up.
  9. ಸ್ಥಪತಿ

    ♪ sthapati
    1. important; significant; paramount.
  10. ಸ್ಥಪತಿ

    ♪ sthapati
    1. a man who models, carves or otherwise fashions figures or forms of clay, stone, metal, wood, etc.; a sculptor.
    2. (masc.) an excellent, most skillful carpenter.
    3. (masc.) a superintendent of a harem, inner quarters of a palace.
    4. (masc.) a performer of a religious sacrifice.
    5. an epithet of Kubēra, the regent of wealth.
    6. (jain.) an excellent sculptor, considered one of the fourteen jewels that a jaina emperor is bestowed with.
  11. ಸ್ಥಾಪಿತ

    ♪ sthāpita
    1. established; installed.
    2. made firm, stable, etc.
    3. appointed for; entrusted with.
    4. decided; determined.
    5. married; wedded.
    6. not moving; stationary; stable.
  12. ಶತಪದಿ

    ♪ śatapadi
    1. any of a class (Chilopoda) of elongated, many-segmented, insect-eating arthropods with a pair of legs to each segment; a centipede.