1. ಸಮಸಾಮಯಿಕ

    ♪ sama sāmayika
    1. existing, occurring or living at the same time; belonging to the same time; contemporary.
  2. ಸಮಸಾಮಯಿಕ

    ♪ sama sāmayika
    1. that which belongs to the same period of time as another.
    2. a man belonging or living to the same period as another person.
  3. ಸಮಸಮಾಯೋಗ

    ♪ sama samāyōga
    1. a perfect match between two persons, as regards to their age, tastes, temperments, etc.
  4. ಸಮಸಾಮಯಿಕೆ

    ♪ sama sāmayike
    1. a woman belonging or living to the same period as another person.