1. ಸಮರು

    ♪ samaru
    1. attractiveness; loveliness; beauty.
    2. the act or an instance of killing.
  2. ಸಮರು

    ♪ samaru
    1. to cut, severe or trim.
  3. ಸಮರ

    ♪ samara
    1. a prolonged armed conflict betwen two opposing military forces; a war; a battle.
  4. ಸ್ಮರ

    ♪ smara
    1. the act of remembering or that which is remembered.
    2. Manmatha, the God of Love.
  5. ಸುಮಾರು

    ♪ sumāru
    1. near in position; close together; approximate.
    2. much like; resembling; approximate.
    3. more or less correct or exact; approximate.
    4. neither very good nor very bad in quality; ordinary; mediocre.
  6. ಸುಮಾರು

    ♪ sumāru
    1. the position that is estimated, guessed, approximated to be nearer, closer (to the fact); approximation.
    2. the quality that is neither very good nor very bad; a mediocre quality.
    3. a slighting or being slighted.
  7. ಸೋಮಾರಿ

    ♪ sōmāri
    1. a man disinclined to work or physical exertion; a lazy, indolent man.
  8. ಸ್ಮೇರ

    ♪ smēra
    1. smiling; laughing gently and friendly.
    2. (said of flower) expanded; blown.
  9. ಸ್ಮೇರ

    ♪ smēra
    1. a gentle and friendly laugh; a smile.
    2. that which is clear or is made clear.
    3. the act of displaying, publishing.
    4. proper respect for oneself; sense of one's own dignity or worth; pride.
  10. ಸಮೀರ

    ♪ samīra
    1. air; wind.
    2. Vāyu, the Wind-God.
    3. the tree Acacia suma of Mimosae family.
  11. ಸುಮಾರ

    ♪ sumāra
    1. = ಸುಮಾರು1.
  12. ಸುಮಾರ

    ♪ sumāra
    1. = ಸುಮಾರು2.
  13. ಸಮಱು

    ♪ samaṛu
    1. to clean by sweeping.
    2. to remove errors fro; to correct.
    3. to beautify; to embellish.
    4. to be beautified; to become beautiful.
    5. to comb (the hair); to groom.
    6. to pass the tongue over; to lick.
    7. to correct oneself.
    8. to cut; to separate by severing.
    9. to destroy completely; to extirpate.
    10. to rub or pass over gently with the palm with affection or to alleviate pain, distress, etc.
    11. to smear or rub gently with an oil or greasy substance; to anoint.