1. ಸಂಸೃಷ್ಟ

    ♪ samsřṣṭa
    1. gathered together; collected.
    2. associated or connected together (as partners in a busines).
    3. united (said of parted persons, things, etc.).
    4. born; has come to life or existence.
    5. managed; executed; handled to success.
    6. donned with, put on washed clothes.
  2. ಸಂಸೃಷ್ಟ

    ♪ samsřṣṭa
    1. = ಸಂಸೃಷ್ಟಿ - 1.
  3. ಸಂಸೃಷ್ಟಿ

    ♪ samsřṣṭi
    1. the state or condition of being associated, connected or blended together.
    2. the act of gathering, associating, assembling together.
    3. a collection of different things or number of pieces of the same thing.
    4. a living together (in the same house) a co-habiting.
    5. the relationship of partners; partnership.
    6. the association of two or more distinct and independant metaphors in close proximity in the same sentence.