1. ಸಂಕಾಶ

    ♪ sankāśa
    1. close in distance or time; not far; near.
    2. like one another; showing resemblance; similar.
  2. ಸಂಕಾಶ

    ♪ sankāśa
    1. the state of being near or close by; nearness; proximity; vicinity.
    2. the act or an instance of appearing; appearance.
    3. great lustre; splendour; brilliance.
    4. that which is alike, similar.
    5. a man who resembles something or another person.
  3. ಸಂಕಾಶಿ

    ♪ sankāśi
    1. = ಸಂಕಾಶ2 - 4.
  4. ಸಾಂಕುಶ

    ♪ sānkuśa
    1. controlled, goaded, regulated (by something or someone).