1. ಸಂಕರ

    ♪ sankara
    1. a spread of a jute fabric, having two huge bag-like pouches for carrying loads of grain, fertiliser, etc. on the back of a draft animal.
  2. ಸಂಕರ

    ♪ sankara
    1. Śiva.
  3. ಸಂಕರ

    ♪ sankara
    1. a mixing of two or more things of heterogeneous nature.
    2. such a mixture.
    3. commingling of castes or races, as by an intermarriage.
    4. the offspring produced by crossing two individuals of unlike genetic constitution esp. the offspring of two animals or plants of different races, varieties, species, etc.; hybrid; cross-breed.
    5. things swept up, as dirt, particles, etc. swept from a floor; sweepings.
    6. bits and pieces of rubbish or a pile of them.
    7. (rhet.) a blending together of metaphors which ought to be kept distinct.
  4. ಸಂಗರ

    ♪ sangara
    1. a promise or oath taken or given.
    2. a conflict between armed forces in a war on a large-scale; a prolonged contest in a particular area; a battle.
    3. the act of eating hungrily, greedily or voraciously; a devouring.
    4. the flesh of animals used as food; meat.
    5. a stupid fellow; a blockhead.
    6. keen mental suffering or distress; grief.
    7. a day and a night.
  5. ಸುಂಕರಿ

    ♪ sunkari
    1. the grass Heteropogon contortus ( = Andropogon contortus) of Poaceae family.
  6. ಶಂಕರ

    ♪ śankara
    1. causing prosperity; auspicious; beneficient; pleasing.
  7. ಶಂಕರ

    ♪ śankara
    1. the quality of being auspicious, beneficient or pleasing.
    2. Śiva, the most auspicious and benevolent deity.
    3. Śrī Śankarācārya, (788 b.c. to 820 b.c.) the great philosopher and propounder of Advaita system of philosophy.
    4. (pros.) a set of four syllables (some times the initial long one is substituted by two short ones making it five) which can be put in sixteen combinations.
  8. ಶಾಂಕರ

    ♪ śankara
    1. relating to Śiva.
    2. relating to, derived from or composed by Śri Śankarācārya or related to his philosophy.
  9. ಸಿಂಗಾರ

    ♪ singāra
    1. anything used to embellish something or someone; an ornament.
    2. the fact of being decorated; ornamentation.
    3. any ornament used to increase the beauty.
    4. a fanciful, decorative dress, suitable for amorous purpose.
    5. sexual desire or passion.
    6. erotic sentiment.
    7. the half-opened flower-sheath of a arecanut tree.
  10. ಸಿಂಗಾರಿ

    ♪ singāri
    1. a well-decorated ornamented girl or woman.
  11. ಸಿಂಗರ

    ♪ singara
    1. = ಸಿಂಗಾರ.
  12. ಶಾಂಕರಿ

    ♪ śankari
    1. Pārvati, the consort of Śiva.
  13. ಶಂಕರಿ

    ♪ śankari
    1. she who is gracious, benevolent.
    2. Pārvati, wife of Śiva.
    3. a small water jug with a narrow mouth, usu. with a handle and a nozzle.
    4. the tree Acacia suma of Mimosae family.
    5. the plant Rubia cordifolia ( = R. munjista) of Rubiaceae family.