1. ಶ್ಲೇಷೆ

    ♪ ślēṣe
    1. (rhet.) the use of a word in different senses, giving scope for different interepretation.
  2. ಶೈಲೂಷ

    ♪ śailūṣa
    1. = ಶೈಲಾಲಿ.
    2. the stage-manager in a play.
    3. a man who habitually cheats others; a cheat.
    4. the tree Aegle marmelos of Rutaceae family; stone apple tree.
  3. ಶ್ಲೇಷ

    ♪ ślēṣa
    1. = ಶ್ಲೇಷೆ.
    2. the act adhereing or clinging or fact of being adhered or clung to.
    3. the act of embracing; an embrace, hug.
    4. (rhet.) one of the ten merits of composition, consisting of pleasing combinations of words.
    5. (rhet.) one of the ten merits of composition consisting contrasted ideas or of words haviang a double meaning.
    6. (dance.) a clinging of hands.