1. ಶ್ರದ್ಧೆ

    ♪ śraddhe
    1. faith; trust; confidence; trustfulness; faithfullness.
    2. strong belief.
    3. a longing for something; a strong desire.
    4. the longing of a pregnant woman.
    5. respect; reverence.
    6. name of a daughter of the Sun-God.
  2. ಶ್ರಾದ್ಧ

    ♪ śrāddha
    1. faithful; loyal.
    2. trusting; believing.
    3. relating to the annual ceremonies performed for a dead person.
  3. ಶ್ರಾದ್ಧ

    ♪ śrāddha
    1. an annual ceremony in which oblations are given to a dead ancestor.
    2. gen. any established or prescribed procedure for a religious or other rite.