the white colour.
the thick, whitish fluid secreted by the male reproductive organs and containing the spermatozoa; the semen.
the first fortnight of any lunar month, during which the visible portion of the moon gradually increases.
the thirty seventh year in the Hindu cycle of sixty years.
the eye.
a particular eye-disease.
Vaiśakha, the second month in the Hindu lunar calendar.
that which is big or large; a huge thing.
a valorous man; a hero.
a substance with a strong, penetrating odor, obtained from a small sac (musk bag) under the skin of the abdomen in the male musk deer; musk.
the water in which rice is washed before cooking.
(math.) a symbol for the number seven.
(math.) a symbol for the number five.
(jain.) a meditating on the self; absolute meditation.
(astrol.) the twenty fourth of the twenty seven yogas.