the quality of being auspicious, beneficient or pleasing; auspiciousness.
happiness; bliss; felicity.
prosperous condition; good fortune, wealth, success, etc.; prosperity.
any of the four vedas.
the male organ of sexual intercourse and urinary ejection; the penis.
a god; a deity.
mercury, a silvery-white metallic chemical element.
a myrrhlike gum resin; bdellium.
any spirituous liquor.
the liquid remaining after the butter is separated from the curds.
a clear, deep-red variety of corundum, valued as a precious stone ; a ruby.
time or a period of time.
sodium borate, a white, anhydrous, crystalline salt, Na2B4O7, with an alkaline taste, used as a flux in soldering metals and in the manufacture of glass, enamel, artificial gems, soaps, antiseptics, etc.; borax.
salt produced by evaporation of sea water; common salt (sodium chloride) occuring in rock-like masses; rock-salt.
the paste made by grinding a piece of sandal wood on a whetstone.
the final emancipation of the soul from the worldly life.
a post to which cattle are tied.
Śiva, the most auspicious and benevolent deity.
a snake.
a jackal.
a parrot.
the myrobalan tree.
its nut.
the Indian gooseberry tree.
its berry.
the quality or fact of being dense, thick; denseness.
the whitish mass of bubbles formed on the surface of sea-water; foam.
the banyan tree (Ficus benghalensis).
the plant Datura fastuosa of Solanaceae family; purple thorn apple.
white colour.
a koḷaga, a measure equal to eight seers.
(correctly, for this sense, the form of this term should be ಶಿವಾ or ಶಿವೆ) Sarasvati, the Goddess of Learning.
(astrol.) a particular conjugation of stars or planets, that is considered as very auspicious.
a post to which cows are tied.
ಶಿವನ ಪಾದಸೇರು Śivana pāda sēru to die.