1. ಶಾಣೆ

    ♪ śaṇe
    1. = ಶಾಣ್ಯಾ1.
  2. ಶಾಣೆ

    ♪ śaṇe
    1. = ಶಾಣ್ಯಾ2.
  3. ಶಾಣ

    ♪ śaṇa
    1. made of jute fibres.
  4. ಶಾಣ

    ♪ śaṇa
    1. the act of sharpening (cutting weapons); whet.
    2. an abrasive stone for sharpening knives or other edged tools; a whetstone.
    3. a type of black stone used to test the purity of gold or silver by the streak left on it when it was rubbed with the metal; a touchstone.
    4. a long cutting tool, having sharp teeth, used for cutting wood, a metal piece, etc., by moving to and fro repeatedly.
    5. a weight of four māṣas.
    6. a fabric made by weaving jute threads.
  5. ಶಾಣ

    ♪ śaṇa
    1. = ಶಾಣ್ಯಾ1.
  6. ಶಾಣ

    ♪ śaṇa
    1. = ಶಾಣ್ಯಾ2.
  7. ಶೆಣ

    ♪ śeṇa
    1. the shrub, Crotolaria juncea of Papilionaceae family, the bitter leaves of which are used as an emetic in gastric and bilious fevers and cultivated extensively for its fibre; the sun hemp.
  8. ಶೆಣೆ

    ♪ śeṇe
    1. to beat, strike repeatedly or pound.
  9. ಶೋಣ

    ♪ śoṇa
    1. of the colour of the blood; red.
  10. ಶೋಣ

    ♪ śoṇa
    1. the colour of the blood; red colour.
    2. a red coloured horse.
    3. name of a river that rises in Gondwana in the district of Nagpur and running for 500 miles and falls into the river Gange near Pāṭna, in Bihar.
    4. fire.
    5. any big and noisy river.
    6. a red variety of corundum, used as a gem; a ruby.
    7. the bood.
    8. red oxide of lead, Pb3O4, derived from massicot, used in making paint, in glassmaking, etc.; minium; red lead.