1. ಶಯನ

    ♪ śayana
    1. the act or positon of lying oneself on a flat, horizontal surface, usu. in a relaxed manner.
    2. the act of sleeping (lying on a bed, mat, etc.).
    3. a bed to sleep on.
    4. a piece of furniture, usu. rectangular in shape with a flat upper surface, having legs on four sides, usu. used for sleeping or reclining on a bed spread on it; a cot.
    5. sexual intercourse; copulation.
    6. a shelter; protecting place; refuge.
    7. a way or method in which something is done or happens; a manner.
  2. ಶ್ಯಾನೆ

    ♪ śyāne
    1. greater in amount, degree or number; more.
  3. ಶ್ಯಾನೆ

    ♪ śyāne
    1. greater in amount, degree or number; more.
  4. ಶ್ಯಾನೆ

    ♪ śyāne
    1. in or to a greater degree or extent; more.
  5. ಶ್ಯೇನ

    ♪ śyēna
    1. = ಶ್ಯೇತ2.
    2. a hawk (as an enemy of rabits) (any of various accipitrine birds (family: Accipitridae) having a characteristic curved beak, short, rounded wings and a long tail and legs).
    3. a particular military array.
    4. a tormenting or beig tormented; tormentation; harassment.