1. ಶಂಢ

    ♪ śaṇḍha
    1. = ಶಂಡ - 1.
    2. a freely wandering bull.
  2. ಶಂಟ

    ♪ śaṇṭa
    1. the hair at the lower part of the abdomen surrounding the external genitals; pubes.
  3. ಶಂಡ

    ♪ śaṇḍa
    1. (rightly ಷಂಡ) 1. any man or boy lacking normal function of the testes, as through castration or disease or due to a conginital cause.
    2. group of persons, things, gathered at one place.
    3. a place where tents, huts, barracks, etc. have been put up for a temporary stay; a camp.
  4. ಷಂಢ

    ♪ ṣaṇḍha
    1. = ಷಂಡ - 3.
    2. (gram.) the neuter gender; a word or form in this gender.
  5. ಷಂಡ

    ♪ ṣaṇḍa
    1. a group of trees or plants.
    2. a bull set at liberty.
    3. any man or boy lacking normal function of the testes; an eunuch.
    4. (fig.) a timid, faintherted or fearful man.
  6. ಶುಂಠ

    ♪ śuṇṭha
    1. a block-head; a stupid fellow.
    2. an abstinate, adamant man.
  7. ಶುಂಠಿ

    ♪ śuṇṭhi
    1. the herb Zingiber officinale of Zingiberaceae family; ginger.
    2. its aromatic rhizome used as a spice or perfume and in medicine; ginger.
    3. (fig.) the fact or condition of not having any; complete absence; lack.
    4. (fig.) a senseless, idiotic person.
  8. ಶುಂಡ

    ♪ śuṇḍa
    1. the trunk of an elephant.
    2. the liquid exuded from the temples of an elephant in rut.
    3. a frog.
  9. ಶುಂಡೆ

    ♪ śuṇḍe
    1. = ಶುಂಡಾಲ - 1.
    2. any alcoholic drink as toddy, beer, etc.
    3. a place where these drinks are supplied or drunk.
    4. a stalk of a lotus plant.
    5. a prostitute; a harlot.
  10. ಶೊಂಟಿ

    ♪ śoṇṭi
    1. a block-head; a stupid fellow.
    2. an abstinate, adamant man.
  11. ಶೊಂಟಿ

    ♪ śoṇṭi
    1. the herb Zingiber officinale of Zingiberaceae family; ginger.
    2. its aromatic rhizome used as a spice or perfume and in medicine; ginger.
  12. ಶೌಂಡ

    ♪ śauṇḍa
    1. excited by consumption of an alcoholic drink; intoxicated.
    2. inclined to have or addicted to alcoholic drinks.
    3. passionately fond of.
  13. ಶೌಂಡ

    ♪ śauṇḍa
    1. a man who is passionately fond of.
    2. a man having skill in or is familiar with.
    3. an intoxicated man.
  14. ಶೌಂಡಿ

    ♪ śauṇḍi
    1. the vine Piper longum of Piperaceae family.
    2. its black seed, ued as a spice.
  15. ಶುಂಟ

    ♪ śuṇṭa
    1. = ಶುಂಠ2.
  16. ಶುಂಠ

    ♪ śuṇṭha
    1. lacking normal intelligence; stupid; foolish.