1. ವ್ರಜ

    ♪ vraja
    1. a wandering or travelling.
    2. a way, path, road.
    3. a multitude of people crowded or assembled together; a crowd.
    4. a herd of cows.
    5. a group of monks.
    6. a building where cows, buffalos are sheltered.
    7. the region covering present Āgrā and Mathurā, in Uttar Pradesh, North India, chiefly known as the place where Křṣṇa spent his childhood.
  2. ವರ್ಜ

    ♪ varja
    1. = ವರ್ಜನ - 1.
  3. ವಾರಿಜ

    ♪ vārija
    1. that which is water-born, as a lotus, water lily plant.
    2. a flower of any of these water-plants.
  4. ವಿರಜ

    ♪ viraja
    1. not covered with or stained by dust; free from dirt; clean.
    2. without any fault or defect; faultless; perfect.
    3. not having the qualities as impetuousness, lack of wisdom, etc.
    4. ceased to menstruate; reached the stage of menopause.
  5. ವಿರಜ

    ♪ viraja
    1. the quality of being free from dust; cleanliness.
    2. the Supreme Being, who is unstained, spotless and ever perfect.
    3. a kind of musical instrument.
  6. ವಿರಜೆ

    ♪ viraje
    1. a woman who has ceased to menstruate.
  7. ವಿರಾಜ

    ♪ virāja
    1. great brightness; brilliance; splendour.
  8. ವಿರಾಜಿ

    ♪ virāji
    1. = ವಿರಾಜಿತ2.