1. ವೇಸ

    ♪ vēsa
    1. = ವೇಷ.
  2. ವೆಸ

    ♪ vesa
    1. a work or job done or to be done.
    2. the work of carving wood, chiseling stone, etc.; sculpture.
    3. an order given by one in authority; a command; behest.
    4. a seeking information usu. by asking a question or questions.
  3. ವಸಾ

    ♪ vasā
    1. a unit of measure.
  4. ವಸ

    ♪ vasa
    1. = ವಶ3 -2.
  5. ವಾಸ

    ♪ vāsa
    1. = ವಾಶಿಕೆ.
    2. a pleasant odour; a sweet smell; a fragrance.
    3. a substance producing a fragrant or pleasing odour; a perfume.
    4. the fact of residing at a place, for a relatively longer period.
    5. a building where one usu. lives;a residence; a house.
    6. a room with a bed, for sleeping in; a bed-room.
    7. a small area of ground marked off for constructing a building.
    8. a woven fabric; cloth.
    9. ವಾಸವಸ್ತ್ರ ಶೇಷ vāsa vastra śeṣa a piece of cloth torn from the one on a dead body, at the time of cremation used for the first eleven day rituals.
  6. ವಾಸ

    ♪ vāsa
    1. a musical wind instrument consisting of a bamboo tube with a series of finger holes, in which the wind is blown through one hole; a flute.
  7. ವಾಸ

    ♪ vāsa
    1. having a pleasant odour; sweet-smelling; fragrant.
  8. ವಸ್ಸ

    ♪ vassa
    1. the period of theyear whichis associated with more rain; the rainy season.
  9. ವಸ

    ♪ vasa
    1. a piece of cloth.
  10. ವಾಸಿ

    ♪ vāsi
    1. ( in comparative degree) of a more excellent sort; surpassing another or others; more suitable, more desirable, more favorable, more profitable, etc.
  11. ವಸಿ

    ♪ vasi
    1. in small quantity, degree; only slightly.
  12. ವಸಿ

    ♪ vasi
    1. a very small quantity or degree.
  13. ವಸಿ

    ♪ vasi
    1. small in quantity, size, number or degree.
  14. ವಸು

    ♪ vasu
    1. rich; wealthy.
    2. sweet; delicious.
    3. good; suitable; becoming; desirable; proper.
    4. dry; parched; dried up; dehydrated.
  15. ವಶ

    ♪ vaśa
    1. being under the control of.
    2. subjugated; subdued.
    3. attracted; charmed.
  16. ವಾಸಿ

    ♪ vāsi
    1. a declaration that something will or will not be done, given, etc., by one; an express assurance on which expectation is to be based; a promise.
    2. a vying for victory or superiority; a contest.
    3. unyielding or stubborn adherence to one's purpose, opinion, etc.; obstinacy.
    4. widespread reputation of a favorable character; renown; fame.
    5. any of the features that make something what it is; characteristic element; an attribute; a quality.
    6. boldness; daring.
    7. realistic confidence in one's own judgement, ability, power, etc.; self-confidence.
    8. distinction; prestige; cachet.
    9. offensive display of one's superiority or self-importance; overbearing pride; arrogance.
    10. something that relates or pertains to a person; business; affair; concern.
    11. the full or proper portion or part allotted or belonging to or contributed or owed by an individual or group; a share.
    12. restoration or return to health from sickness; recovery.
    13. a longing or craving, as for something that brings satisfaction or enjoyment; a desire.
  17. ವಶ

    ♪ vaśa
    1. a strong wish or craving; a desire.
    2. the state or fact of being under control or the act or fact of bringing under control; subjection.
    3. the fact of having something in one's possession.
    4. the fact of being born; birth.
    5. a house of prostitution.
    6. (phil.) one of the sixteen states of the mind.
    7. ವಶಮಾಡು vaśa māḍu to hand over the possession of; to cause to be under the control of;
    8. to bring someone under one's control, charm or spell; ವಶವಾಗು vaśavāgu to be under another's control, arbitrary power.
  18. ವಶ

    ♪ vaśa
    1. any of several white or yellowish greasy substances, forming the chief part of adipose tissue of animals and also occurring in plants, that when pure are colourless, odourless, and tasteless and are either solid or liquid esters of glycerol with fatty acids, used in the manufacture of soaps, paints, and other protective coatings; fat.
  19. ವಸೆ

    ♪ vase
    1. any of various mixtures of solid or semisolid triglycerides, that are soluble in organic solvents, found in adipose animal tissue; fat.
  20. ವಸು

    ♪ vasu
    1. much money or property; great amount of worldly possessions; riches; wealth.
    2. any precious stone; a gem.
    3. gold.
    4. water.
    5. a physical object; a substance.
    6. the tree Sesbania grandiflora ( = Robinia grandiflora) of Papilionaceae family; agati sesbania.
    7. the plant Trophis aspera.
    8. a pond; a lake.
    9. a class of deities.
    10. Kubēra, the Regent of Wealth.
    11. Śiva.
    12. Agni, the Fire-God.
    13. bridle strap; the reins.
    14. a length of rope for tying cattle.
    15. a piece of rope or cord used to harness an ox to the yoke.
    16. a ray or rays of light.
    17. the sun.
    18. light; splendour; brilliance.
    19. that which is improtant; an important thing.
    20. a piece of cloth.
    21. a flat, broad piece of metal or wood, used as a defence against blows or missiles; a shield.
    22. a forest; wood.
    23. nearness; proximity.
    24. air or wind.
    25. a mountain.
    26. (math.) a symbol for the number eight.