1. ವೇತ್ತಿ

    ♪ vētti
    1. a type of black stone formerly used to test the purity of gold or silver by the streak left on it when it was rubbed with the metal; a touchstone.
  2. ವೇದಿ

    ♪ vēdi
    1. a plot of land prepared for conducting a religious sacrifice on.
    2. a raised flooring or platform for performers, speakers, etc.; a stage.
  3. ವೇದಿ

    ♪ vēdi
    1. a learned man; a scholar.
  4. ವತ್ತ

    ♪ vatti
    1. the starchy seeds or grain of an annual marsh grass oryza sativa of Poaceae family, cultivated in warm climates and used for food; paddy.
    2. the plant itself.
  5. ವಧ

    ♪ vadha
    1. the act of killing (a person or animal).
  6. ವಾದ

    ♪ vāda
    1. the act, process or an instance of talking.
    2. the act or an instance of talking together; conversation.
    3. the interpretation, meaning or sense given in explaining; explanation.
    4. a reason or reasons offered for or against something; an argument.
    5. a short statement of subject matter or a brief synopsis of a plot; an argument.
    6. discussion in which there is disagreement; dispute.
    7. something taught as the principles or creed of a religion, political party, etc.; tenet or tenets; a belief; a dogma; a doctrine.
    8. a sound, esp. a musical one.
    9. something one has heard but does not know to be true; rumor; gossip; hearsay.
    10. an early form of chemistry studied with aim of converting base metals into gold; alchemy.
    11. demonstrated conclusion.
  7. ವದ

    ♪ vada
    1. talking; speaking.
  8. ವಾತ

    ♪ vāta
    1. moved with some force; blown.
  9. ವತ್ತಾ

    ♪ vattā
    1. bulkiness or largeness of body; fatness; portliness.
  10. ವಾತ

    ♪ vāta
    1. air in motion; wind.
    2. wind or air, as one of the three humours of the body.
    3. Vāyu, the Wind-God.
    4. a morbid affection of the windy humour in the body; gout; rheumatism.
    5. the plant Justicia gendrussa ( = Gendrusa vulgaris) of Acanthaceae family.
    6. (pros.) a metrical foot consisting of two short syllablic instants followed by a long one (uu-); anapaestus.
  11. ವದ

    ♪ vada
    1. a man who speaks well and sensibly.
  12. ವಾದಿ

    ♪ vādi
    1. he who talks or converses with; a talker; a converser.
    2. a logician who presents his argument to establish his doctrine or view point.
    3. a man who interprets, explains or elucidates the meaning of a difficult text or pasage; a commentator.
    4. a man who preaches a religious doctrine, dogma or philosophy.
    5. a man who files a charge or makes the complaint against another in a court of law; a complainant; a plaintiff.
    6. a man who argues illogically or without reason.
    7. (mus.) a note that harmoniously corresponds to another note in the upper tetrachord of the same scale.
  13. ವಾತಿ

    ♪ vāti
    1. any of various small gallinaceous birds of the genus Coturnix and family Phasianidae, esp. (more fully common quail) the migratory Coturnix coturnix, which is reared for its edible flesh and eggs.
  14. ವಾತಿ

    ♪ vāti
    1. air in motion; wind.
    2. Vāyu, the Wind-God.
    3. the sun.
    4. the moon.
  15. ವಿತ್ತಿ

    ♪ vitti
    1. an extent of land or village granted for one's livelihood.
    2. a kind of tax levied on the income of people.
    3. means of living or of supporting life; livelihood; subsistence.
  16. ವಿತ್ತ

    ♪ vitta
    1. the fact or quality of being famous; fame; renown; (good) reputation.
    2. a famous, renowned man.
    3. wages, salary or other recompense earned (as by working); earnings; income.
    4. money.
    5. gold.
    6. (astrol.) the second house from one's birth house.
  17. ವಿತ್ತ

    ♪ vitta
    1. famous; renowned; widely and favourably known.
    2. analytically dealt with; cogitated; deliberated upon.
    3. (said of income, salary, etc.) earned; got; received.
  18. ವಿತೆ

    ♪ vite
    1. that which is useless, worthless.
  19. ವಾದು

    ♪ vādu
    1. anything uttered that is meaningful and intentional; speech.
    2. discussion between two parties who differ in their views or aim.
    3. a solemn declaration or promise.
    4. an association of two similar or amicable persons or things.
    5. imputation of guilt or blame; accusation; reproach; scornful remark.
  20. ವಧೆ

    ♪ vadhe
    1. the act or an instance of killing.