the act of arranging in an orderly way; organisation.
the fact of being arranged in an orderly way; organisation.
the manner in which something is organised; organisation.
a way, manner or method in which something is or is to be done; a fixed principle for conducting something (as an experiment).
an authoritative regulation for action, conduct, method, procedure, arrangement, etc; a rule.
an established practice that serves as a guide to usage.
a regulation or guide established by a court governing court practice and procedure.
a religious rule or convention carried on by tradition or enforced by scriptures or religious insititutions that is generally accepted.
observance of such a rule or rules.
creation; construction; building.
any thing or person used as a means to some end; an implement.
collectively, all the rules of conduct established and enforced by the authority, legislation of state; law.
any method or manner of accomplishing something; a technique.
something (good or bad) that happens or has happened, supposedly as determined by the power of destiny; lot; fate.
(gram.) a joining of a syllable, morpheme, etc. to a word either in the beginning or at the end, to alter its meaning or create a new word.