1. ವಿಭ್ರಮ

    ♪ vibhrama
    1. the act, fact or an instance of wandering (aimlessly or uselessly).
    2. perception of something objectively existing in such a way as to cause misinterpretation of its actual nature; illusion.
    3. fondness for play or fun; playfulness; friskiness.
    4. beauty; charm.
    5. amorous toying; flirtation; dalliance.
    6. a noticeable imperfection; a blemish; a fault.
    7. (rhet.) the excitement that is aroused in a woman who has fallen in love with a man.
    8. a turning or spinning motion of a body around a centre.
    9. an act of swerving or turning aside from what is right or correct.