1. ವಾಕು

    ♪ vāku
    1. that which is spoken; speech.
  2. ವಾಕು

    ♪ vāku
    1. a decorative ring for the wrist; a bangle.
    2. an armlet.
  3. ವಾಗು

    ♪ vāgu
    1. = ವಾಗುಸ.
  4. ವಾಘೆ

    ♪ vāghe
    1. = ವಾಗೆ.
  5. ವಿಕ್ಕ

    ♪ vikka
    1. a young elephant.
  6. ವೇಗ

    ♪ vēga
    1. the act or state of moving or acting rapidly; swiftness; quick motion or action; speed.
    2. the rate or rapidity of motion or any action; swiftness; quickness.
    3. the act or manner of flowing; flow.
    4. the impetus of a moving object.
    5. the tendency to move fast and with force.
    6. a forceful discharge (as of urine, faeces, etc.).
    7. ability to do, act or produce; power.
    8. an adversary; an enemy.
    9. the limit or boundary (of something).
    10. a kind of poison made from the seeds of nux vomica.
    11. a particular gait of horses.
  7. ವೇಗಿ

    ♪ vēgi
    1. = ವೇಗಾಯಿಲ1.
  8. ವೇಗಿ

    ♪ vēgi
    1. = ವೇಗಾಯಿಲ2.
    2. a hawk (as an enemy of snakes); any of various accipitrine birds (family: Accipitridae) having a characteristic curved beak, short, rounded wings and a long tail and legs.
    3. a disorder in the body characterised by abnormal and continuous hiccups.
    4. a fast bowler in the game of a cricket.
  9. ವಾಕ್ಕು

    ♪ vākku
    1. expression or communication of thoughts and feelings by spoken words.
    2. that which is spoken; utterance; speech.
    3. the tongue, as one of the five organs of action, in human beings.
    4. Sarasvati, the Goddess of Speech.
  10. ವಾಗೆ

    ♪ vāge
    1. a leather strap, fastened to each end of the bit of a bridle, by which the rider or driver controls a horse or other animal by pulling so as to exert pressure on the bit; reins.
  11. ಕೋನೀಯ ವೇಗ

    ♪ kōnīya vēga
    1. the time rate of change of angular velocity of a rotating body; angular acceleration.