1. ವನಜ

    ♪ vanaja
    1. any of various water-plants as water-lily, lotus, etc.
    2. a flower of any of these plants, esp. of lotus.
    3. an elephant.
    4. the grass Cyperus rotundus ( = C. hexastachyus) of Cyperaceae family; sedge.
    5. (pros.) a prosidical verse having four lines, each of which having three groups of three syllables each (-u-, uu-, uu-).
  2. ವನೇಜ

    ♪ vanēja
    1. any of various water-plants as water-lily, lotus, etc.
    2. a flower of any of these plants, esp. of lotus.
  3. ವಣಿಜ

    ♪ vaṇija
    1. = ವಣಿಕ.
    2. the business of merchant.
    3. (astrol.) the seventh house in the zodiac; Libra.
  4. ವಣಿಜೆ

    ♪ vaṇije
    1. = ವಣಿಜಾಕರಣ.
  5. ವಾಣಿಜ

    ♪ vāṇija
    1. = ವಾಣಿಜ್ಯ - 1 & 2.
  6. ವಾಣಿಜ

    ♪ vāṇija
    1. a man engaged in buying and selling; a merchant.
    2. a kind of plant.