1. ವದನ

    ♪ vadana
    1. the front part of the head, from the forehead to the chin; the face.
    2. the opening through which human beings take in food; the mouth.
    3. the act of talking, speaking.
    4. the portion, region, place, etc. that is just in front of a person, building, etc.
  2. ವಾದನ

    ♪ vādana
    1. an instance of a sound being produced.
    2. the act or an instance of playing a musical insttument.
    3. a large group of musicians playing various musical instruments together; an orchestra.
  3. ವತನ

    ♪ vatana
    1. a hereditary estate.
    2. a land given as a tax-free gift by a king, govertnment, etc.
    3. a hereditary occupation.
    4. income derived from a hereditary office, occupation, etc.
  4. ವದನೆ

    ♪ vadane
    1. a woman (whose is compared of likened to a beautiful object).
    2. a beautiful woman.
  5. ವಿತಾನ

    ♪ vitāna
    1. the fact of spreading or being spread; the extent to which something is so spread.
    2. the quality or state of having more than sufficient or required quantity; abundance.
    3. a large number of persons or things gathered together or considered as a unit; a multitude.
    4. a line of persons or things arranged one behind another; a row; a file.
    5. a drapery, awning or other rooflike covering fastened above a bed, throne, etc. or held on poles over a person or sacred thing; a canopy.
    6. an elaborate religious sacrifice.
    7. a platform on which a religious sacrifice is conducted.
    8. a time or occasion esp. an appropriate or favorable one.
    9. a pondering; the proces of thinking deeply and analysing.
    10. the quality or condition of being nothing or not existing; nonexistence or extinction.
    11. that which is deprived of essence; a sapless thing; the quality of being so.
    12. the quality of being contemptible, sordid or petty; sordidness; pettiness.
    13. lack of intelligence, sharpness; stupidity.
    14. a stupid, slow-witted man.
    15. a hurrying or being hurried; rush; urgency.
    16. (jain.) name of a hell.
  6. ವಿಧಾನ

    ♪ vidhāna
    1. the act of arranging in an orderly way; organisation.
    2. the fact of being arranged in an orderly way; organisation.
    3. the manner in which something is organised; organisation.
    4. a way, manner or method in which something is or is to be done; a fixed principle for conducting something (as an experiment).
    5. an authoritative regulation for action, conduct, method, procedure, arrangement, etc; a rule.
    6. an established practice that serves as a guide to usage.
    7. a regulation or guide established by a court governing court practice and procedure.
    8. a religious rule or convention carried on by tradition or enforced by scriptures or religious insititutions that is generally accepted.
    9. observance of such a rule or rules.
    10. creation; construction; building.
    11. any thing or person used as a means to some end; an implement.
    12. collectively, all the rules of conduct established and enforced by the authority, legislation of state; law.
    13. any method or manner of accomplishing something; a technique.
    14. something (good or bad) that happens or has happened, supposedly as determined by the power of destiny; lot; fate.
    15. (gram.) a joining of a syllable, morpheme, etc. to a word either in the beginning or at the end, to alter its meaning or create a new word.
  7. ವೆತ್ತನೆ

    ♪ vettane
    1. (hist.) a kind of tax.
  8. ವೇತನ

    ♪ vētana
    1. something given or received as an equivalent for services; salary; wages; compensation.
  9. ವೇದನ

    ♪ vēdana
    1. the act, process or power of perceiving, gaining knowledge.
    2. the power or process of receiving conscious sense impressions through direct stimulation of the bodily organism; sensation.
    3. a sensation of hurting or strong discomfort, in some part of the body, caused by an injury, disease or functional disorder, and transmitted through the nervous system; pain.
    4. wealth; riches.
    5. the act or an instance of marrying or getting married; marriage; wedding.
  10. ವೇದನೆ

    ♪ vēdane
    1. knwledge got from sensation or experience.
    2. the power or process of receiving conscious sense impressions through direct stimulation of the bodily organism.
    3. physical suffering or distress, as due to injury, illness, etc.; physical pain.
    4. mental or emotional suffering or torment; mental pain.
  11. ವೇದಿನಿ

    ♪ vēdini
    1. a scholarly woman.
  12. ವೇಧನ

    ♪ vēdhana
    1. = ವೇಧ - 1.
  13. ವೈತಾನ

    ♪ vaitāna
    1. of, having the nature of, used in or offering a sacrifice; sacrificial.
  14. ವೈತಾನ

    ♪ vaitāna
    1. an elaborate religious sacrifice, in which homages, propiations are offered to a god or gods.
    2. an offering made in such a sacrifice.
  15. ವತನು

    ♪ vatanu
    1. = ವತನ.
  16. ವದನಿ

    ♪ vadani
    1. a kind of plant (details ?) ( = mūkārti ?).