1. ವಟ

    ♪ vaṭa
    1. = ವಟ್ಟ.
  2. ವಟ

    ♪ vaṭa
    1. the large, evergreen ficus tree Ficus benghalensis of Moraceae family whose shoots grow from its branches and form new trunks, thus spread over a relatively wide area; a banyan tree.
    2. a rope; a cord.
    3. any small spherical object.
    4. a kind of small, flat, round, spicy cake made of bengal gram, blackg gram, fried in oil.
    5. the shell of any of mollusk Cypraea moneta; a cowrie.
    6. similarity; likeness.
    7. a circle or circular object.
    8. Manmatha, the Love-God.
    9. the liquid that is secreted from the temples of an elephant in rut.
    10. the leavings in a dining plate.
  3. ವಟ

    ♪ vaṭa
    1. the croaking sound of a frong.
    2. a sound imitating it.
  4. ವಾಟ

    ♪ vāṭa
    1. a fence or wall enclosing something (as garden, building, village, etc.).
    2. a piece of enclosed ground.
    3. a means of passing from one place to another, as a road, highway, street, path, etc.; a way.
    4. a place where one is residing or belongs to.
    5. a building or residence for monks or others who have withdrawn from the world for religious reasons; an institution of a monk or monks; a monastery.
    6. a village or town.
    7. a piece of ground for growing vegetables, fruits, flowers, etc.; a garden.
    8. that which is made or consisting of the banyan tree (Ficus benghalensis).
    9. the grass Panicum spicatum of Poaceae family.
  5. ವಾಡ

    ♪ vāḍa
    1. a village or town.
    2. a house; a residence.
    3. a room, usu. at the etrance of a house where guests are entertained.
    4. a shed for cattle; a cow-shed.
    5. a large, independent house with enclosed courtyard around (as differentiated from an apartment).
  6. ವಡ

    ♪ vaḍa
    1. = ವಟ3 - 1.
  7. ವಾಟ

    ♪ vāṭa
    1. a slant room of a building.
    2. a falling ground; slope.
  8. ವಡು

    ♪ vaḍu
    1. a barrier built to hold flowing water back; a dam.
  9. ವಡೆ

    ♪ vaḍe
    1. a kind of small, flat, round, spicy cake made of bengal gram, black gram, fried in oil.
  10. ವಾಟಿ

    ♪ vāṭi
    1. = ವಾಟ2 - 3 & 7.
    2. a habitation of animals.
    3. a residence; a house.
    4. the area or exact plot of ground on which anything is, has been or is to be located; a site.
    5. a place where certain goods or services are offered for sale; a small store; a shop.
    6. the part of the body between the ribs and the hips; the waist.
  11. ವಾಟೆ

    ♪ vāṭe
    1. the bamboo Ochlandra tranvancorica of Poaceae family.
    2. the large, deciduous tree Artocarpus lakoocha of Moraceae family.
    3. its edible fruits, used in making pickles.
  12. ವಾಟೆ

    ♪ vāṭe
    1. the stonelike seed of certain fruits, as of a mango; a stone; a seedpod.
    2. a hard outer covering of a fruit, seed, etc. (as of coconut, stone-apple); a shell.
  13. ವಾಡಿ

    ♪ vāḍi
    1. a village, town.
    2. a region or district.
    3. a shed or building where cattle are sheltered and fed; a cow-shed.
    4. a row of houses.
    5. an army or a division of an army.
    6. a temporary place where a military force has stayed or to be stayed; an army camp.
    7. a group of attendants or servants.
    8. a soldier.
    9. a place enclosed by a wall, fence, etc.
    10. an extension in town or city.
  14. ವಾಡೆ

    ♪ vāḍe
    1. a broad, burnt earthen hoop used for walling the inside of wells.
    2. a store room or a large earthen ware for storinging grain.
  15. ವಿಟ್

    ♪ viṭ
    1. one of the four social classes of erstwhile Hindu society; the merchant class.
    2. a male member of this class.
    3. a man in general.
  16. ವಿಟ್

    ♪ viṭ
    1. waste matter discharged from the intestines through the anus; excrement; faeces; ordure.
  17. ವಿಟ

    ♪ viṭa
    1. a man, who leads an unrestrained, sexually immoral life; a rake; a libertine.
    2. a lover of a woman who is not married to him; a paramour.
    3. a character, as a friend or companion, who accompanies the hero of a play, and who advises him in matters of love.
    4. a cheat; a fraud; a deceiver.
    5. a kind of mineral salt.
  18. ವಿಟಿ

    ♪ viṭi
    1. a coquettish or wanton woman.
  19. ವಿಟೆ

    ♪ viṭe
    1. = ವಿಟಿ.
  20. ವಿಟ್ಟೆ

    ♪ viṭṭe
    1. waste matter discharged from the intestines through the anus; excrement; faeces; ordure.
    2. that which is inauspicious, unlucky, ill-omened.
    3. any act regarded as such a transgression, esp. a willful or deliberate violation of some religious or moral principle; a sin.