1. ವಂಗಡ

    ♪ vangaḍa
    1. a large number of people gathered closely together; a crowd.
    2. a group of people constituting one side in a contest or competition; a team of players.
    3. a group of people working together in a coordinated effort; a team of workers, doctors, etc.
    4. that which is distinct, entirely different from another.
    5. a group of people belonging to a particular tribe, social, religious class, etc.; a clan or sub-caste.
  2. ವಂಕುಡಿ

    ♪ vankuḍi
    1. that which is crooked.
    2. a dagger with a curved blade.
  3. ವಿಂಗಡ

    ♪ vingaḍa
    1. the act of dividing (something into different parts, groups, etc.).
    2. a part or portion that is divided and separated from a whole; a division.
    3. that which is removed from others; a thing that is aloof.
    4. the quality, state or fact of being separate, being divided and separated from a whole.
  4. ವಿಂಗಡಿ

    ♪ vingaḍi
    1. = ವಿಂಗಡ.
  5. ವೆಂಕಟ

    ♪ veŋkaṭa
    1. the famous hill in Andhra Pradesh in South India, on top of which is the sacred temple of Venkaṭēśa.