1. ಳತೆ

    ♪ ḷate
    1. any plant having a long, slender stem that trails or creeps on the ground or climbs by winding itself about a support or holding fast with tendrils or claspers; a vine; a creeper.
    2. (gen. ) a tender plant or tender part of a plant.
    3. a branch of a tree, shrub, etc.
    4. the grass Setaria italica ( = Panicum italicum) of Poaceae family.
    5. another grass Panicum dactylon of the same family.
    6. the vine Cardiospermum halicacabum of Sapindaceae family; heart pea.
    7. the plant Capparis brevispina of Capparaceae family.
    8. the plant Trigonella corniculata of Papilionaceae family.
    9. (jain.) a very long period (as an age or era).
    10. (dance.) the posture in which one arm is stretched straight and the hand is drooped loosely(?).