1. ಲೋಳತೆ

    ♪ lōḷate
    1. the act of moving to and fro or from side to side.
    2. unsteadiness of the mind.
    3. a wish; longing; desire.
  2. ಲಳಿತ

    ♪ laḷita
    1. sported; sporting; played; playing.
    2. charming; lovely.
    3. soft; gentle; tender.
  3. ಲಳಿತ

    ♪ laḷita
    1. a sport; game.
    2. a dallying; triffling; dalliance.
    3. the quality of being charming, lovely; charm; loveliness.
    4. that which is lovely or charming; a beautiful thing.
    5. the quality of being soft, gentle; tenderness; softness; gentleness.
    6. the quality of being without guile or deceit; artlessness; naiveness.
    7. one of the four types of Lalitāgama.
    8. a kind of plant.
    9. (dance.) a raising of both hands above the head, crossing each other at the wrist with - a) fingers are stretched and turned or b) the two forefingers being locked with each other and other fingers closed inward toward the palm.
    10. (dance.) one of the thirty three minor sentiments, which includes a smile on the face, a moving of the eye-brows up and down, a looking at the ground, used in expressing love.
    11. (pros.) a metrical verse having four lines each of which having eight groups of three syllables ( uuu, uuu, -uu, uuu, u-u, uuu, uuu. u--).
    12. (pros.) a metrical verse not having limitations on the number of lines, but having in each line four groups of five prosodic units.
    13. (mus.) in Karnāṭaka system, a musical mode (rāga) derived from the main mode Māyāmāḷavagauḷa.
    14. a kind of dance.
  4. ಲಳಿತೆ

    ♪ laḷite
    1. (gen.) a woman.
    2. a wanton, sexually unrestrained woman.
    3. a beautiful woman.
    4. Pārvati.
    5. (rhet.) a kind of alliteration.
    6. a kind of figure of speech.
    7. (pros.) a metrical verse not having limitations on the number of lines, but having in each line four groups of five prosodic units.
    8. (mus.) in Karnāṭaka system, a musical mode (rāga) derived from the main mode Māyāmāḷavagauḷa.
  5. ಲಾಳಿತ

    ♪ lāḷita
    1. caressing; fondling; fostering kindly.
    2. caressed; fondled; fostered kindly.
  6. ಲಾಳಿತ

    ♪ lāḷita
    1. affection; love; kindliness.
    2. happiness; joy; delight.
    3. that which is fostered with affection.
  7. ಲಾಳಿತೆ

    ♪ lāḷite
    1. = ಲಾಳಿತ2 - 1 & 2.
  8. ಲುಳಿತ

    ♪ luḷita
    1. = ಲುಲಿತ1.
  9. ಲುಳಿತ

    ♪ luḷita
    1. = ಲುಲಿತ2.
  10. ಲೋಳಿತ

    ♪ lōḷita
    1. = ಲೋಲಿತ1.
  11. ಲೋಳಿತ

    ♪ lōḷita
    1. = ಲೋಲಿತ2.