1. ಲಲಾಟಿಕೆ

    ♪ lalāṭike
    1. an ornament worn by women at the central part of the forehead where the hairline starts; a crest jewel.
    2. an ornamental tuft worn on the forehead.
    3. any sectarian mark put on the forehead.
  2. ಲಲಾಟಕ

    ♪ lalāṭaka
    1. = ಲಲಾಟ.
  3. ಲಾಲಾಟಿಕಿ

    ♪ lālāṭiki
    1. a servant who can understand the intention of his master by looking at his face.
    2. a man who is not efficient to complete any work assigned to him.