1. ಲಗ್ನಕ

    ♪ lagnaka
    1. a man who accepts liability for another's debts, defaults of obligation, etc.; a surety.
  2. ಲಗ್ನಿಗ

    ♪ lAgnika
    1. a man who fixes or suggests auspicious moment for performing or commencing sopmething; an astrologer.
  3. ಲಕ್ಕಣಿಕೆ

    ♪ lakkaṇike
    1. a device used to write with; a pen.
    2. an implement consisting of bristles, hair or the like, set in or attached to a handle, used for painting; a painteṛs brush.
  4. ಲೆಕ್ಕಣಿಕೆ

    ♪ lekkaṇike
    1. = ಲೇಖನಿ.
    2. a painteṛs brush.