1. ಱೊಪ್ಪ

    ♪ ṛoppa
    1. the natural habitat of animals.
    2. a shelter or shed for animals, esp. for cattle, sheep, pig, etc.
    3. a house or a cluster of houses around such a shed.
    4. any loud and continued noise; clamour.
  2. ಱಪ್ಪು

    ♪ ṛappu
    1. a fragment or piece taken out from a whole.
    2. brightness; shine; lustre.
    3. (fig.) a display of valour.
    4. an ostentatious display; pomp.
  3. ಱೆಪ್ಪು

    ♪ ṛeppu
    1. to hit or strike repeatedly; to pound; to beat.
    2. to throw or fling something at.
  4. ಱೆಪ್ಪೆ

    ♪ ṛeppe
    1. the movable lid of skin that serves to cover and uncover the front of the eyeball; the eyelid.
  5. ಱೊಪ್ಪು

    ♪ ṛoppu
    1. to make indistinct sound or to utter harsh words, from anger.
  6. ಱೊಪ್ಪು

    ♪ ṛoppu
    1. = ಱೊಪ್ಪ.