1. ರಸಾಯನ

    ♪ rasāyana
    1. that which is enjoyable, delightful.
    2. any drink that is delicious and wholesome.
    3. any of or all of the six principal tastes.
    4. an eatable prepared by mixing sliced banana, jaggery, cardamom seeds (or its powder), etc.
    5. a branch of chemistry in the Middle Ages, concerned with changing base metals into gold; alchemy.
    6. the more or less acidulous liquid remaining after butter has been separated from curds; butter-milk.
    7. a substance consumption of which (even in small quantity) results in death or serious damage to living organisms; a poison.
    8. the vine Piper cubeba ( = Cubeba officinalis) of Piperaceae family.
    9. its berry; Chinese pepper.
    10. a kind of medicinal preparation.
    11. Garuḍa, the mythological bird and the vehicle of Viṣṇu.
    12. the plant Embelia ribes of Myrsinaceae family, used as a worm killer.
    13. the science that deals with the composition and properties of substances and various elementary forms of matter; chemistry.
  2. ರಸಯೋನಿ

    ♪ rasa yōni
    1. a white, water-soluble powder or crystals, hydrated sodium borate, used in soldering metals and in the manufacture of glass, enamel, etc.; borax.