1. ರಕ್ತಾಂಗಿ

    ♪ raktāngi
    1. the plant Rubia cordifolia ( = R. munjista) of Rubiaceae family.
  2. ರಕ್ತಾಂಗ

    ♪ rakta
    1. a flat, wingless, bloodsucking, reddish-brown hemipterous insect, Cimex lectularius, with unpleasant odour, that infests houses and esp. beds; a bed-bug.
    2. a kind of tree.
    3. a piece of red coral, which is used in jewelry.
    4. the perennial plant Crocus sativus of Iridaceae family; saffron crocus.
    5. the dried, aromatic stigmas of this plant, used in flavoring and colouring foods; saffron.
    6. the planet Mars.