1. ರಂಕ

    ♪ ranka
    1. a man who begs for living; a beggar.
  2. ರಂಕ

    ♪ ranka
    1. excessively or inordinately desirous of wealth, profit, etc.; avaricious; greedy.
  3. ರಂಗ

    ♪ ranga
    1. a colour; a paint; a dye.
    2. a coloured powder.
    3. a decorative designs or figures drawn with various coloured powders.
    4. a platform on which plays are presented; a stage.
    5. a building or room for speeches; a conference hall; an auditorium.
    6. a building where plays, operas, films, etc. are presented, esp., a building or outdoor structure expressly designed for such presentations; a theatre.
    7. a battle-field.
    8. a dance displayed on a stage.
    9. joy; pleasure; delight.
    10. Křṣṇa.
  4. ರಂಗು

    ♪ rangu
    1. any colour, paint, hue or dye.
    2. the red colour.
    3. brilliance; splendour; lustre.
    4. the state of being excited or anxious; excitement; anxiety.
    5. activity done in a mood excited by extreme joy.
    6. a display of dance, drama or performance of music, etc. (as a means of entertainment).
  5. ರಿಂಕು

    ♪ rinku
    1. to tie, bind firmly.
  6. ರಿಂಖ

    ♪ rinkha
    1. the act of moving slowly by dragging the body along the ground (as a worm); crawling.
    2. to jump up repeatedly (as in a play or from joy).
    3. one of the gaits of a horse.
    4. the hoof of a horse.
    5. the act of cheating, deceiving; deception.
  7. ರಂಕು

    ♪ ranku
    1. a kind of spotted deer.
  8. ರಂಕೆ

    ♪ ranke
    1. the powerful, reverberating roaring sound made by a bull.
    2. a sound similar to this.
  9. ರೆಂಕೆ

    ♪ rēnke
    1. = ರೆಕ್ಕೆ.
  10. ರೊಂಕೆ

    ♪ ronke
    1. the powerful, reverberating roaring sound made by a bull.
    2. a sound similar to this.
  11. ರೋಂಕು

    ♪ rōnku
    1. = ರೊಂಕೆ.
  12. ಱೌಂಕು

    ♪ ṛaunku
    1. the powerful, reverberating roaring sound made by a bull.
    2. a sound similar to this.
  13. ಱೆಂಕೆ

    ♪ ṛenke
    1. = ಱಕ್ಕೆ.
  14. ಧಿಮ್ಮಾಲೆ ರಂಗ

    ♪ dhimmāle raŋga
    1. a man lacking a sense of responsibility; an irresponsible fellow.
  15. ಱೊಂಕು

    ♪ ṛonku
    1. = ಱೌಂಕು.
  16. ಱೋಂಕು

    ♪ ṛōnku
    1. = ಱೌಂಕು.