1. ಯಾತೃ

    ♪ yātř
    1. = ಯಾತು - 1.
    2. one who drives a chariot; a charioteer.
  2. ಯಾತ್ರೆ

    ♪ yātre
    1. the act or an instance of traveling from one place to another; a journey.
    2. a journey made by a pilgrim to a shrine or holy place; pilgrimage.
    3. a march of an army for purpose of conquest.
    4. an annual fair conducted at a holy place, during which sale of goods also happens.
    5. a number of persons or things moving forward, as in a parade, in an orderly and formal way.
    6. the act of following a person or observance of a custom.
    7. establishd usage that has the force of law; a custom.
  3. ಯೋತ್ರ

    ♪ yōtra
    1. a length of rope or cord, used to bind or tie (something).