a way beaten, formed or trodden by the feet of persons or animals or a long, narrow stretch with a smoothed or paved surface, made for traveling by motor vehicle, carriage, etc.; a path; a way; a road.
a customary manner of procedure or a regular way of behaving.
a long-established custom or practice; a tradition.
careful, systematic, patient study and investigation.
Mārgaśira, the ninth month in the HIndu lunar calendar (November-December).
the classical style in literature (particular to a language), dance and music (particular to their individual systems).
a means (as to know, get, achieve, etc. something); an expedient.
a discoloured patch or mark left on the skin by wound after it is healed.
(astron.) the star Lambda Orion in the constellation Orion.
a strong-smelling substance secreted in a glandular sac under the skin of the abdomen of the male musk deer, and used in perfumery; musk.
(Dvaita phil.) one of the four types of salvations.
(Buddh.) the way or path suggested by Buddha for escape from the miserty of existence (considered as one of the four noble truths).
ಮಾರ್ಗಕ್ಕೆ ತರು mārgakke taru to put a person, administration of an institution, etc. to the right or desirable course.